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Xero Integration Setup

Follow our setup guide to connect your Releventful account to Xero to sync all invoices and payments into your accounting software.

Naomi Sherman avatar
Written by Naomi Sherman
Updated over 6 months ago

Xero is a third party accounting software that Releventful can be integrated with. Similar to our QuickBooks integration, you can connect your Xero account to Releventful to sync all invoices and payments directly into your Xero accounting software.

Step 1: Connect Releventful to Xero

To establish the integration between Releventful and Xero, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Select the settings gear at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar.

  2. Select Integrations in the menu that appears.

  3. Select Accounting Software from the submenu that appears.

  4. Select between Xero or QuickBooks to create the integration to the desired third party accounting software.

  5. Click Manage Account to navigate to the Brand management section. Using the tabs at the top, select the Brand you are connecting and scroll down to the Connect to Xero section.

  6. Click Connect to Xero to enter your Xero account credentials and grant Releventful authorization to manage your Xero account.

  7. Once successfully connected, you will see the connection status read as Connected.

Step 2: Choose a Payment Account

Under Xero Payment Account, select a payment account from the dropdown menu. To sync payments from Releventful to your Xero account, you must identify which account it should be recorded against.

Select the correct payment account under the Xero Payment Account field. You can change the payment account at any time with the available Change Xero Payment Account drop-down menu. You will see the current connected payment account listed on the page.

ℹ️ Note: This is required for payments to be synced to your Xero account.

Step 3: Choose a Default Account

Under Xero Default Account, choose an account category for the invoice line items. This account will be the account your invoice line items will be recorded against.

With the integration, Xero requires that each line item on an invoice is associated to a specific Xero account. Select the default account with the available drop-down menu on this page. Once established, the line items on an invoice will be tied to that account within Xero. This is a default setting that will apply to ALL invoice lines items unless otherwise specified on a given package or add-on.

ℹ️ Note: This is required for invoices to be created and synced to your Xero account.

Tagging Add-Ons and Packages with a Xero Account

Each of your packages and add-ons can also be tagged against a specified Xero account. Edit a package or add-on from the template list to associate the item to a specific Xero account. In the settings for the package or add-on, you will find a field labeled, Xero Account. In this drop-down list, you can set the account that the package or add-on should be tied to within Xero. Through the integration, these items will be listed as such in Xero.

ℹ️ Note: If the Xero Account setting is established on a package or add-on, it will override what the default is set to. For any line items that do not have a Xero account identified, the default will be applied.

ℹ️ Important: If you have multiple brands within your Releventful account, package and add-on tagging is not supported and the default account will be applied to all line items as configured in the Default Account setting per brand.

Automatically Sync Invoices and Payments

To automatically sync all invoices and payments to Xero, toggle on the setting for Automatic Xero Syncing. If this setting is not enabled, you will be responsible for manually selecting which invoices and payments are synced to Xero.

If automatic syncing is not enabled, you can enable the sync within each invoice. On the quick-close invoice screen for a given invoice, you will see the following setting available on the left-hand side alongside the other invoice settings:

When enabled, the selected invoice will sync with Xero.

Invoice Modifications After Payment is Received

Xero enforces a strict workflow for their invoices. Due to Xero's requirements, modifications cannot be applied to an invoice after a payment has been received against the invoice. When a payment is made, the invoice moves out of daft status in Xero and is moved into the awaiting payment status. At that time, the invoice will be marked as final and modifications to the invoice cannot be applied.

If modifications are still required after a payment has been made, the payment needs to be removed first before changes can be applied. Remove the payment(s), conduct the invoice edits, and reapply the payment when the changes have been made.

The following article can be used as a guide to record payments manually on a Releventful invoice:

Syncing your Xero Customers to a Releventful Invoice

When creating a proposal or invoice in Releventful, you will be prompted to find your Xero customer to associate it in Releventful. If you do not have the customer in Xero, you can choose the Create a new customer in Xero option to create a new customer in your Xero account.

ℹ️ Note: You will only be prompted to sync your customer once. Once this process is complete for your customer, Releventful will automatically resolve the chosen Xero customer for future invoices.

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