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Customizing the Calendar View

Learn how to change your views and use additional features within the business calendar

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Written by Releventful Support
Updated over a week ago

Calendar View

The Calendar defaults to a monthly view, but can be changed to any of the following:

  1. Click Calendar View (see image below)

  2. Choose from Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Week List. ℹ️ Note: Week List will display information per the below:

Change Calendar

The Calendar defaults to showing All Events, but can be changed to any of the following:

  1. Click Change Calendar (see image below)

  2. Select Events Only to show only events (booked and unbooked) and hide Date Holds, Phone Conversations, and Meetings

  3. Select All Employees Schedule to see a weekly view of your events showing the employees scheduled for each, their role, and shift times (in time a chart view).

  4. Select View Employee Schedule and then choose an employee from the dropdown to select a single employee and view their time off and event schedule.

  5. Select All Employee Time Off to see any time off requested or approved.

    ℹ️ Note: Click into a Time Off request to accept or decline it if you have scheduling permissions.

  6. Select Other Calendar Events to show only Date Holds, Phone Conversations, and Meetings.

Calendar Settings

Click Settings next to Calendar View to be taken to your overall Calendar settings.

Calendar Integrations

Here you can copy the link to view your events in Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or any other calendar platform that supports .ics calendar file imports.

Event Settings

Choose whether to show or hide Cancelled Events as well as Unbooked Events. This can be helpful if you want to hide activity that may not result in actual staff, budget, and resource allocation.

ℹ️ Note: Calendar settings applied here will also show/hide events within your Releventful mobile application.

Filter By Event Status

Start typing in the search bar here to filter the events on the calendar by event statuses you would like to see on the calendar. Add multiple filters by typing next to the previously applied filter.

Additional Functions


Select Add in the top left to add Date Holds, Phone Conversations, and Meetings


  • Scheduled Employees - See a row-based report of all scheduled employees within a date range. Click Settings within the report to automatically be sent a weekly report (choose M, W, F, and set a time, then hit Save).

  • My Schedule Weekly Report - Opt-in to automatically be sent a weekly report of your scheduled shifts and details for your events (choose M, W, F, and set a time, then hit Save).

  • Event Availability - Quickly check availability for a specific date to see everything on the schedule for that day

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