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Event Portal: Managing To-Dos
Erin Pender avatar
Written by Erin Pender
Updated today

Creating a To-Do

To-Dos enable you to send forms, request song selection, and create assignable To-Dos for both your clients and your employees.

💡 Pro tip: are you looking to automate your business? Check out our Automating Your Business guide to learn how to automatically create and assign To-Dos for all of your events.

  1. Click the search button in the side navigation

  2. Type in the name of your event and click on it

  3. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  4. Click +Add

What Kind of To-Do Would You Like to Add?

Choose the type of To-Do you would like to add

  • Add Template – select to add a To-Do from a Portal Template

  • Add Section Title - select if you want to add titles throughout the To-Do menu and/or create a timeline within the To-Do display

  • Add Form To-Do – select if you need your client to fill out a form or questionnaire?

  • Add Song Selection To-Do (DJ Add-On Only) – select if you would like your client to choose songs

  • Add Live-Song Selection (DJ Add-On Only) - Select to enable live song selection for an event

To-Do Settings

Email Reminder

Do you want an email reminder to be sent about this To-Do? To enable sending an email reminder, click the email button (icon shown above) and choose Turn Email Reminder On.

Request Song Selection (DJ Add-On Only)

Is this To-Do to request song selection? When selecting a song selection to-do, this icon will be enabled automatically (icon shown above) and enables song selection by category within this To-Do.

Request a Form / Questionnaire to be Filled Out

Is this To-Do to request your client to fill out a form / questionnaire? When creating a Song Selection To-Do or a Form To-Do, the form icon (icon shown above) will be turned on automatically and allow you to choose a form within the To-Do settings.

Adding the To-Do Description & Details

The title/email subject & description/email body will be used in the portal to help your client understand what you’re asking them to do and also for the email reminder.

💡Pro Tip: Give specific details and instructions for them so they know what the To-Do is for and what is being asked of them to do.

Change the Due Date

To choose when the To-Do should be completed

  1. Click the menu button (icon shown above) next to Due Date

  2. Click Change Due Date

Setting the Due Date

Under Due Date, choose a date for the email to be sent

Setting the Due Time

Under Due Time, choose a time the To-Do is due.

Assigning a To-Do

To assign the To-Do to anyone on the event

  1. Type in their name in the Assigned To field

  2. Click on their name to assign them to the To-Do.

ℹ️ Note: you can have the To-Do assigned to both your client & your employees at the same time.

They will both receive email reminders (if enabled) & your employee will see the To-Do listed under My Outstanding To-Dos in the dashboard and Business Reports area.

Your client will only see their assigned To-Dos in their portal.

Scheduling an Email

Releventful’s email scheduling gives you the power to send the email reminder out exactly when it needs to be.

To choose when the emails should be sent, select the Notification Settings tab at the top of the page

  1. Click the menu button (icon shown above) next to Email Reminder Date

  2. Click Change Email Reminder Date

Setting the Email Reminder Date

Under Email Reminder Date, choose a date for the email to be sent

Setting the Email Reminder Time

Check the box next to Send Immediately to send the email right away.

To send the email at a specific time, uncheck the box next to Send Immediately and choose a time.

Editing a To-Do Template Form

ℹ️ Note: make sure you have selected a form To-Do before you read this section

Adding a Form

To add a form

  1. Select the Form Settings tab at the top of the page

  2. Click on Load a form

  3. Click on the form you would like to use

ℹ️ Note: to create a new form, see Creating and Managing Forms to learn more.

Editing a Form

To make simple edits to a form

  1. Click Edit Form

  2. You can edit any of the form items by clicking the Edit button

  3. You can reorder any of the form items by dragging them up or down in the list

If you would like to make more extensive edits to the form, we recommend editing the form in the Form Templates editor.

To view the form, click on View Form

Change a Form

If you would like to use a different form

  1. Click on the name of the currently loaded form

  2. Click on the form you would like to use

Managing Song Selection Categories

ℹ️ Note: make sure you have selected a song selection To-Do before you read this section.

When requesting song selections from your client, you must add categories for them to add their songs to.

For example:

50 songs can be added to Must Play

5 songs can be added to Do Not Play

To add a song selection category

  1. Select the Song Selection Settings tab at the top of the page

  2. Go to the Song Selection Categories section of the To-Do template

  3. In the Find Song Category field enter the name of the song selection category you would like your client to choose songs for.

If the category exists, it will show up in the list; click on it to select it

If the category does not exist, you don’t need to select anything, when you add the category it will be added to your account song selection categories automatically.

3. In the How many songs are allowed for this category field, enter the number of songs your client can add.

4. Click the Add button to add the song selection category.

Printing All To-Dos

To download a branded PDF of all To-Dos

  1. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  2. Click View To-Do List

  3. Click Print

To go back to the main To-Do list, click Back.

Printing a To-Do

To download a branded PDF of a specific To-Do

  1. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  2. Click on the To-Do you would like to print

  3. Click the print button

Viewing To-Do Client Selections

If you have requested your client to fill out a form, choose songs, or you would like to view the To-Do as they would see it

  1. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  2. Click on the To-Do you would like to view

  3. Click the View as Guest button

To exit the guest view, click Exit Guest View.

ℹ️ Note: you can make edits on behalf of your client in the guest view.

Making Edits to a Completed To-Do

If the To-Do has been completed, but you or your client need to make edits

  1. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  2. Click on the To-Do you would like to view

  3. Click Enable Editing in the top-left


  1. Click on the To-Do you would like to view

  2. Click Edit To-Do

3. Click on the completed button (icon shown above) and choose Mark To-Do as Not Completed

4. Click Save, then Save

Saving a To-Do as a Portal Template

If you have created a To-Do that you would like to use for other events, save it as a portal template! To save a To-Do as a portal template

  1. In the portal click To-Dos to open the To-Do management screen

  2. Click on the To-Do you would like to view

  3. Click Save, then Save To-Do as Portal Template next to Due Date

  4. Click Change Due Date

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