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Planning Form & Song Selection by Category Tutorial (Part 2/2)
Planning Form & Song Selection by Category Tutorial (Part 2/2)
Naomi Sherman avatar
Written by Naomi Sherman
Updated over 11 months ago


Now that your form is created, let’s proceed to add this form to your automations so that all of your clients will receive this as a to-do item.

Select the templates icon on the left-hand navigation bar and select “portal templates.” From the event types listed at the top of the page, select the event type that you would like to push song selection to. If all your event types require song selection, select the “any event template.”

On the correct event type portal template, scroll down to “Step 3 - Planning / Setting up the Client Portal.” Click the edit pencil at the bottom of this step next to “edit portal automations.”

Song selection is an event to-do that is applied to a client’s event in their portal. For a more in-depth explanation of portal template automations and event to-dos, please refer to the event to dos tutorial at

Select the “add” button under event to-dos. Enter a name for your portal template.

Once named, select the “add template” button at the top of the page.

Here you will see a list of options. You can create a section title, form to-do or song selection to-do.

To organize your to-dos with header text and even create an integrated evet timeline into the to-do menu, utilize the section title option. Planning forms that do not require song selection can be added as general form to-dos.

In today’s example we will be working with song selection to-dos.

For a further explanation and how to guide for the other two types of templates, please refer to our helpful tutorials at

In this pop-up window, we will walk through how to set up the song selection form to-do and song selection settings that your clients will complete.

The green icons at the top of the window indicate what is enabled for this to-do. The envelope icon represents the message notification that will accompany this to-do. Green indicates that this is enabled, but if you would like to disable the email associated with this to-do, select the icon, and click “turn email reminders off.”

The person icon indicates that this to-do will be assigned to the client. The play icon indicates that this is a song selection to-do, and the final file icon indicates that a form will be attached to this to-do.

To begin building out this song selection to-do, populate a title for the To-Do and email that will be sent informing the client of the task. Providing instructions on how to complete the to-do and explaining the purpose of the task would be a great idea.

If you already have an email created in the system that you would like to accompany this request to the client, select it from the email template repository with the “choose existing template” hyperlink.

If you would like to have a time assigned to this to-do that is reflected in the main to-do menu of the portal, toggle on the time setting. The time setting is a great way to create an integrated timeline within the to-do menu. For more information on how to create a timeline within the to-do menu, please refer to our to-do timeline tutorial.

Proceed to set the due date for the song selection task to be completed by the client. For more information on configuring the due date with the available trigger rule settings, please visit and watch our “portal templates” tutorials.

You can assign this to-do to an employee, but this is most likely a song selection to-do that you need your client to complete. Leave this field blank if that is the case.

Scroll to the top of the window and select the “Song Selection Settings” tab. On this tab, we will review the song selection by category requirements.

Song selection by category helps you and your client put together playlists for their event. With this process, you can capture their must play songs, don’t play songs, dance songs, and any other custom categories that you need to generate playlists for.

We have created a few categories for you by default to work from. You can keep these, delete them, or add additional categories.

You will be able to attach your categories under the song selection categories header. In the “find song category” field, enter the name of one of your categories that we just referenced. For example, I can enter “must play” to pull up the must play song category. Select the correct category from the list that appears.

Once the category is selected, enter the number of songs allowed to be selected for this category in the field to the right-hand side.

Once populated, select the “add” button on the far right. Once the “add” button is selected, you will see the category and song indication appear below.

You can edit or delete these as they are added to the song selection to-do.

To add new additional categories, simply type the name of the category you want to create into the "Find Song Category" field, enter the quantity and press add. This category will now be automatically added to the account song category list.

Once your categories are added, you will need to set the song selection settings at the bottom of the page to customize how your clients will enter their song selections for this to-do.

These settings resemble the same settings we reviewed earlier in the previous tutorial when creating the song selection planning form.

First, choose your song selection source. Open the drop-down menu and select Spotify and Apple Music or “My Songs,” also known as the song manager.

Under the “top hits song selection” setting, choose whether your client will be able to choose songs from Top Hits lists. If this is enabled, clients can select songs from the top hits’ song list. If this is enabled, make sure that you set the source for the top hits list in the setting that follows. Here you can determine if the top hits list is the Releventful top hits list or one that you have created in the song manager.

Please note that these settings are the defaults that will be used if you have not chosen any settings in the form for the song selection process.

Does your client already have a Spotify playlist that they have created and want to share with you? You can allow them to share their created playlists with you by turning the “Spotify Playlist Sharing” to on. If this is enabled, make sure to adjust your song selection categories to accommodate the number of songs you want to allow your clients to import from their song lists.

One recommendation is to create a category named “Spotify Playlist Songs” or something similar so that your clients can add their Spotify playlist directly to that category.

By default, only you can create and manage the song categories in this to-do. However, if you would like your client to create their own categories for playlists and song selection, you can turn the toggle on for “client song category management.”

If you would like to add a notes area to this to-do, toggle the notes setting to on. If notes are enabled, proceed to the next setting to verify if the client and view and add to the notes or if you would like to keep this hidden for internal purposes.

The “Client live song mode permission” setting will allow your client to turn live mode on or off in the mobile app if enabled. For more information on the live song selection process, please refer to the “live song selection” tutorial later in our DJ add on tutorial series.

Scroll to the top of the window and select the “Form Settings” tab to add the planning to this to-do.

Under the “form template” header, select your song selection form to be an element included to be completed in the to-do assignment. Click on the “load a form” link and proceed to attach your song selection form.

The last tab is the “Notification Settings” tab, here you can indicate who the email is from if you would like it to be sent from a specific team member. The last setting will be the email schedule for this to-do. Use this setting to set the delivery date of the email to the client informing them of this to-do.

Once all these items are populated, proceed to save with the save button at the bottom of the page.

Back on the portal template page, turn on this automation with the toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Once turned on, you will see a confirmation listed at the top of the page indicating the event types that will receive these automations as well as when they will be applied. In my example, you can see that my automations will be applied when the event is booked. This can be adjusted by selecting the three dot to the right hand side and selecting “change portal template settings.”

Select the “save” button at the top of the page when these settings have been completed.

We recommend that you test your song selection planning form by creating a test event and moving it through the booking process to see these automations applied based on the settings you have configured.

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