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Designing Proposal Templates

Proposal templates allow your customer to “shop around” and pick their own options or provide an estimate of services with style.

Erin Pender avatar
Written by Erin Pender
Updated over a week ago

Designing Your Proposal Template

Proposal templates allow you to create and design stunningly beautiful proposals. With proposal templates, you can allow your customer to “shop around” and pick their own options or provide an estimate of services with style.

Be sure to check out the Elevate your Proposal Template Design article for helpful tips and tricks for engaging your audience.

Create a Proposal Template

To create a proposal template

  1. Click on Templates (icon shown above) in the side navigation, then choose Proposal Templates.

  2. Click Add Proposal Template

You can choose from one of our templates we designed, or start from a blank template.

To select an option, click the button below the proposal template option.

Proposal Template Settings

You can customize how the proposal looks and also configure package and add-on selection.

To change the proposal template settings, click the settings button (icon shown above).

Package and Add-On Selection Settings

To enable package selection and to set a minimum and maximum number of packages that can be chosen by your client, set Allow Package Selection to Yes.

To enable add-on selection and to set a minimum and maximum number of add-ons that can be chosen by your client, set Allow Add-On Selection to Yes.

Font Preference

To change the font for the package template form, choose a new font under the

Choose a font dropdown menu.

💡Pro Tip: the fonts load as you are scrolling through them, if you don’t see the font loaded, put your cursor over the font to see what it looks like.

Display Preferences

You can change the following colors by clicking in the white text area under the color box and selecting a color or by entering the RGB color.

  1. Button Color

  2. Button Text Color

  3. Form Background Color

  4. Text Color

Submit Button Alignment

You can also change the alignment of the submit button to

  1. Left

  2. Center

  3. Right

Adding Proposal Template Options

To access the proposal template options, click on the plus

button. Click on any option you would like to add to the proposal template.

Proposal Template Options are broken up into 3 categories

  1. Proposal Options

  2. Layout Options

  3. Form Options

  4. Event Detail Options

Editing Added Proposal Template Options

Once you have added options to the form you can edit them by clicking or hovering over the added option and click Edit.

Copying Added Proposal Template Options

If you would like to copy an option you have added to the proposal template, click or hover over the added option and click Copy.

Removing an Added Proposal Template Options

If you would like to remove an option you have added to the proposal template, click or hover over the added option and click Remove.

Proposal Layout Options

1. Package Display & Selection

This option enables you to add up to 3 packages in a single row.

Changing the Package Row Settings

To edit the package selection row, click on the row and then click on Edit

Package Row Settings

To choose how many packages you would like to display in the row, change the quantity in the How may package in this row dropdown menu.

After changing the package quantity, you will see the number of package tabs change as well.

Editing a Package

  1. Click on the package tab you would like to edit.

  1. If no package has been added, click on Choose a package to select a package to display. Type in the name of the package and then click on the package to choose it as your package. See create your packages for more details.

  2. If a package has already been added, click on the package name to change the package. Type in the name of the package and then click on the package to choose it as your package.

Customizing the Package Selection Buttons

The package selection buttons display below the package and allow your client select the package as an option they would like to buy.

Here is an example of the package selection button

The Selected Button Text represents the text of the button after it has been chosen by your client. The Unselected Button Text represents the text of the button before it has been chosen by your client.

Package Display Preferences

You can choose what information about the image will be displayed to your customer

  1. Package Description

  2. Package Price

  3. Package Image

  4. Show Image Gallery

Package Description & Price Preferences

Choose whether or not you would like the description or price package info to be displayed for the package details.

Package Image Display Preferences

There are 3 options available for the package image

  1. Use Default Image – choose this option to use the image added to the package when the package was created.

  2. Use Custom Image – choose this option to use the editor to customize the image display for this package.

  3. Do Not Display Image – choose this option to remove the image from the package details.

Package Show Image Gallery Preference

If you would like to add the option for your client to view the package image gallery, change the Show Image Gallery option to Yes.

If you turn the image gallery on you will be presented with the option to change the image gallery button text.

ℹ️ Note: the image gallery button will automatically display below the package image or at the top of the package details if you opted to not show the package image.

Package Selection Settings

If you would like your client to be able to choose more than one of the package, under Can your client choose more than one of this package, choose Yes.

If you chose Yes, choose a minimum and maximum quantity.

For example:

You’re selling Package A but your client can choose up to 2 of Package A. The settings would be

Yes (can choose more than one), 2 (min quantity), 2 (max quantity)

Allowing Add-On Selection

Allow your client to choose from add-ons on the package once the package has been selected.

ℹ️ Note: if your package has a price, the price of the add-on will be shown to your client since the add-ons are included with the package price. If the package does not have a price, then the add-on price will be displayed to your client and the price of all add-ons that your client chooses will be calculated separately.

Allowing Add-On Quantity Setting

Choose the quantity for the suggested add-ons. Set the amount of that particular add-on that the client can purchase. By default this field is set to "1" which indicates that only one of this add-on type can be purchased with the package. However, you can change this setting from "1" to instead inherit the package quantity.

For example:

If the client selects 4 of the package, they could also select the same amount (4 in this case) of the selected add-on. If the add-on quantity setting is set to inherit the quantity of the package, the number will automatically align to the package quantity.

Saving Your Edits

Once you’re done editing, click Save

2. Add-On Display & Selection

This option enables you to add up to 3 add-ons in a single row.

Changing the Add-On Row Settings

To edit the add-on selection row, click on the row and then click on Edit

Add-On Row Settings

To choose how many add-ons you would like to display in the row, change the quantity in the How may add-on in this row dropdown menu.

After changing the add-on quantity, you will see the number of add-on tabs change as well.

Editing an Add-On

4. Click on the add-on tab you would like to edit.

5. If no add-on has been added, click on Choose an add-on to select an add-on to display. Type in the name of the add-on and then click on the add-on to choose it as your add-on. See create your add-ons for more details.

6. If an add-on has already been added, click on the add-on name to change the add-on. Type in the name of the add-on and then click on the add-on to choose it as your add-on.

Customizing the Add-On Selection Buttons

The add-on selection buttons display below the add-on and allow your client select the add-on as an option they would like to buy.

Here is an example of the add-on selection button

The Selected Button Text represents the text of the button after it has been chosen by your client. The Unselected Button Text represents the text of the button before it has been chosen by your client.

Add-On Display Preferences

You can choose what information about the image will be displayed to your customer

  1. Add-On Description

  2. Add-On Price

  3. Add-On Image

Add-On Description & Price Preferences

Choose whether or not you would like the description or price add-on info to be displayed for the add-on details.

Add-On Image Display Preferences

There are 3 options available for the add-on image

  1. Use Default Image – choose this option to use the image added to the add-on when the add-on was created.

  2. Use Custom Image – choose this option to use the editor to customize the image display for this add-on.

  3. Do Not Display Image – choose this option to remove the image from the add-on details.

Add-On Selection Settings

If you would like your client to be able to choose more than one of the add-on, under Can your client choose more than one of this add-on, choose Yes.

If you chose Yes, choose a minimum and maximum quantity.

For example:

You’re selling Add-On A but your client can choose up to 2 of Add-On A. The settings would be

Yes (can choose more than one), 2 (min quantity), 2 (max quantity)

Saving Your Edits

Once you’re done editing, click Save

Layout Options

Section Title

If you’re looking for a good way to organize your proposal templates, we recommend using the section titles.

Text & Image Column

The text & image column choices are a very flexible option to add any additional descriptions, images or tables to your proposal template.

We have options to add 1, 2, or 3 text & image columns in a single row.

If you add 2 or 3 columns, you can change between the columns by clicking the column tab in the Text & Image edit dialog.

Form Options

If you need to get more information from your client as a part of your booking process, you can do it by adding a form directly to your proposal.

The form options include

  1. Single Answer – this lets your client enter a single answer to a question

  2. Dropdown List – this lets your client select a single answer from a list of options

  3. Select Multiple Options – this lets your client select more than one answer from a list of options

  4. Two Column List – this lets your client enter a list of options in a two-column format. A common usage of the two-column list is the wedding party where the Bridesmaids are on one column and the Groomsmen are on the other.

  5. Comments Section – this lets your client enter a lengthy answer to a question

Event Detail Options

Along with the question type options suggested above, you can also utilize proposal templates to gather event details from your client that map directly back to the client's event information on file.

Use the plus sign on the form (as shown below) and scroll to the Event Detail Options section of the menu that appears on the right-hand side.

Add any applicable fields to the form for event information that you need to capture or update for the client's event. When populated and submitted by the client, the information captured in these fields will route back to their event details and update these fields on the backend automatically.

For example, if you include the field Planned Guest Count on the form, if the user enters 500 in this field, once the form is marked as complete, the planned guest count field on the event details page for their event will be populated with the number 500.

ℹ️ Note: If there was already information in one of the fields identified, the proposal template answers will override what was in the field originally to capture the new updated information on file.

Reordering the Added Proposal Options

To reorder the added proposal options, simply drag them up or down in the list.

If you have a long list of added proposal options, click on the View List (icon shown above) button to view the proposal in a condensed list view for easier reordering.

Package and Add-On Quick Edit

To quickly edit an added package or add-on description, click or hover over the added option and click the edit button on the package or add-on item.

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