Create an Appointment With a Lead
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Written by Releventful Support
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Lead Appointment

You can schedule a meeting or record an appointment with your lead that will also show up on your event calendar in the Appointments section of the Lead Edit Screen.

ℹ️ Note: Appointments can also be added directly from the business calendar by clicking the Add button in the top left corner of the business calendar screen.

To access the business calendar, click the calendar button in the side navigation.

To add an appointment:

  1. Click on contacts (button shown above) in the side navigation

  2. Click on Leads in the Filter By section

  3. Click on the lead you would like to edit

  4. Click Appointments

  5. Click Add Appointment

  6. Choose a meeting Type.

    If you would like a meeting request to be sent to your lead or anyone else who needs to attend, choose Meeting as the type. Otherwise, choose the type that best fits the type of appointment you would like to record.

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