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Set Up Your Website Lead Form

You can custom create a lead form that will seamlessly integrate with your existing website.

Erin Pender avatar
Written by Erin Pender
Updated over 10 months ago

Drive More Sales with a More Efficient Sales Process

Releventful’s Lead Form

Lead generation is a critical part of your success. One of the most powerful tools you have is your website. With Releventful, you can custom create a lead form that will seamlessly integrate with your existing website allowing browsing customers submit their information to you.

By using Releventful’s lead form you can

  • Kick off targeted email marketing efforts with the lead

  • Track the lead through your sales pipeline to drive sales

  • Quickly identify issues with your sales process and stale leads to increase efficiency and close more sales

A Form for Every Occasion

In Releventful you can create as many lead forms as you need.

Here are just a few examples of the ways you can use the lead form

  1. Create a lead form for your website (Most Common)

  2. Going to a conference? Create a lead form just for the conference.

  3. Have a targeted email campaign? Create a lead form and use the direct link to email the form to your customers

  4. Use the direct link to capture leads on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

Step 1: Create Your Lead Form

To create a lead form

  1. Click on Templates (icon shown above) in the side navigation, then choose Lead Form Templates.

  2. Click Add Lead Form Template

Step 2: Customize the Appearance of the Lead Form

You can customize the font and color preferences of the lead form.

To change the lead form template settings, click the settings button (icon shown above).

Font Preference

To change the font for the package template form, choose a new font under the Choose a font dropdown menu.

💡Pro Tip: the fonts load as you are scrolling through them, if you don’t see the font loaded, put your cursor over the font to see what it looks like.

Display Preferences

You can change the following colors by clicking in the white text area under the color box and selecting a color or by entering the RGB color.

  1. Button Color

  2. Button Text Color

  3. Form Background Color

  4. Text Color

Step 3: Add a Calendly Appointment Calendar

If you use Calendly for your meeting management, you can add your Calendly event appointment calendar to display directly after the form is submitted.

To add your Calendly appointment event calendar, click the settings button (icon shown above).

Add Calendly Appointment Setting

Paste in your Calendly appointment page url under Enter Calendly appointment page.

You can also have Releventful pre-fill the Name and Email Address fields in the form by checking the box next to Pre-fill Name or Pre-fill Email Address.

Step 4: Customizing the Lead Form Options

To customize the lead form template options, click on the plus button (icon shown above). Click on any option you would like to add to the proposal template.

The Lead Form Options are broken up into 3 categories

  1. Lead Capture Options

  2. Custom Options

  3. Layout Options

**PLEASE NOTE: Any data fields listed under the Lead Capture Options heading will populate specific fields within your event details. You can rename these if needed, but the content & location of the data will remain mapped to certain areas in the system. (Also, if you are using the Contact 1 and Contact 2 fields, you must include at minimum the name and email address in order for them to be added to the event).

If you cannot find the field you need under the Lead Capture Options, you may use the Custom Options to collect other data. See details below.

Lead Capture Options

Find the information in the lead capture section that you would like to add to the form. Click on the option to add it to the form. These fields will map data to your Event Details for things like Name, Email, Phone Number, Address, Venue Name, Event Type, etc.

ℹ️ Note: to make the item a required field, Edit the option and check the Required checkbox.

Editing Added Lead Form Options

Removing Added Lead Form Options

If you would like to remove an option you have added to the lead form template, click or hover over the added option and click Remove.

Layout Options

Section Title

If you’re looking for a good way to organize your proposal templates, we recommend using the section titles.

Text & Image Column

The text & image column choices are a very flexible option to add any additional descriptions, images or tables to your proposal template.

We have options to add 1, 2, or 3 text & image columns in a single row.

If you add 2 or 3 columns, you can change between the columns by clicking the column tab in the Text & Image edit dialog.

Custom Options

The custom options include

  1. Single Answer – this lets your client enter a single answer to a question

  2. Dropdown List – this lets your client select a single answer from a list of options

  3. Select Multiple Options – this lets your client select more than one answer from a list of options

  4. Two/Three Column List – this lets your client enter a list of options in a two-column format. A common usage of the two-column list is the wedding party where the Bridesmaids are on one column and the Groomsmen are on the other.

  5. Comments Section – this lets your client enter a lengthy answer to a question

Condense Form Questions with Two and Three Column Lists

The two and three column list options can be used to condense questions within the form to work well with your existing website layout and display.

Within the editor, you can select your data type for each column with the data type drop-down menu. Relabel the column with the Field Title field. Toggle between the tabs at the top of the editor to edit each column in the selected two or three column list.

This is a great option to ask the necessary questions, but not have the questions take up space in a list view. The two and three column list can place questions side by side and still route the entered data to the event details page.

Reordering the Added Form Options

To reorder the added proposal options, simply drag them up or down in the list.

If you have a long list of added lead form options, click on the View List

button (icon shown above) to view the lead form in a condensed list view for easier reordering.

Step 5: Customize the Submit Form Options

You can direct users to another webpage after the lead form is submitted, or skip the success message that appears after the form is submitted entirely.

To adjust these settings, click the settings button on the lead form (icon shown above).

Success Message

Toggle on the Skip Success Message setting if you would not like the pop up to appear notifying the client that their lead form has been submitted.

You can also choose to keep the success message enabled, but change the text of what is displayed with the field that follows.

Webpage Redirect Link

If you would like to display another website after the form is submitted, place the URL for the desired webpage in the Webpage Redirect Link field.

ℹ️ Note: The success message can be paired with a custom redirect link. If the success message is enabled, the user will see the pop-up success message first, and proceed to close the pop-up window to be redirected to the webpage redirect link identified.

Step 6: Publish the Lead Form

Publishing the form is the next step to get an embed code or a direct link copy code for the form.

To publish the lead form, click the Publish toggle button.

Before Publish

After Publish

Step 7: Test the Lead Form

You can test the lead form to see how it works by clicking the Try Out Form

button (icon shown above).

Step 8: Get the Embed Code

To get the embed code for your form to use in your website, click the Copy

button (icon shown above).

Embed Code

The embed code will embed the form directly into your website.

ℹ️ Note: if you are using a WYSIWYG website builder like Squarespace or WIX look up how to use an embed code in their support doc. They all support embed codes, but the way you have to add the code is different for each of them.

Direct Link

The direct link can be used to email the form to your customers.

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