Adding a Credit Card Convenience Fee to a Payment Schedule
If you need to pass on the credit card fees to your client, you can create a managed "convenience fee" which represents a percentage of your invoice total.
To add a convenience fee
Click on Templates (icon above) in the side navigation, then Payment Schedules
Click on your payment schedule to edit it
Under Convenience Fee Amount enter the percentage of the invoice amount you would like to charge your customer (do not include the % symbol - only the numbers). This typically ranges between 2.7 - 3 percent.
Under Convenience Fee Label enter the name of the fee as you would like it to display on the invoice.
Note: if you do not have a payment schedule, click Add Payment Schedule to add a new payment schedule. The Quick Start helper will appear to assist you in creating your payment schedule.
Automatically Adding the Convenience Fee
If you would like your convenience fee to be automatically added to your new invoices, do the following
Open up the payment schedule which has the convenience fee (see Adding a Credit Card Convenience Fee to a Payment Schedule)
Click Save to save your edits
Click on Templates in the side navigation bar, then Portal Templates
Click on the Event Type button along the top to edit that template
Under Step 2: Booking Your Leads, click on the Edit Pencil icon to activate and turn on the payment schedule.