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BEO Creation Tutorial
Naomi Sherman avatar
Written by Naomi Sherman
Updated over 10 months ago


If you have clicked on this video, then you understand the importance of a detailed BEO. Releventful allows you to build the BEO you need!

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps you need to take to build custom Banquet Event Orders within the system. Releventful’s dynamic capabilities allow you to create custom layouts and generate BEOs with a simple click. Follow along with me today as I show you where your BEOs are stored within an event and how to create customized layouts.

BEO Layouts

On my screen you will see an example of what a BEO can look like within Releventful. This layout that I am showing you today has all available sections and details enabled. Your BEOs can have this much detail, or you can choose to scale back the level of detail listed on the BEO to better suit your intended audience.

The BEO can pull in details about the event, including the event timeline, as well as all items the client is being invoiced for from the menu, beverage, and audio-visual items. Include the setup and internal event notes if that is applicable.

To create a BEO for the first time, you will want to edit the event and navigate to the “Invoices” tab. Open an existing invoice by clicking on the invoice hyperlink on this page.

From the quick-close invoice screen, review the tiles for the invoicing process at the bottom of the page and all the enabled visibility settings for the client on the left-hand side. Above these settings, you will see the BEO. Click on this to be brought to the BEO for the invoice as it appears as a slide out menu from the right-hand side of the page.

When creating a BEO for the first time, you will need to create a BEO layout. The BEO layout is completely customizable as you can determine what is visible on the BEO based on what fields are available.

You can have multiple BEO layouts showcasing different views. For example, you can have separate BEO layouts for your back of house and front of house teams, as well as have a layout that is client facing that the client can review and sign electronically.

To create a new BEO layout, select the “Add a new BEO Template” hyperlink on the page, or select the plus icon here.

Give your layout a name. Add a desired description if applicable. Next you will need to identify the BEO Sections that you want displayed on the BEO. Here you will see all the available data fields that can be brought into the BEO layout. These data fields are organized by where the data is stored within your Releventful account.

The first option is the E-Signature option. If you would like the client to sign the BEO, check the box alongside the E-Signature option. Keep in mind that this is a different signature than the signature on the contract. You can enable the signature here and have the client sign the contract as well. These are two separate actions. To learn more about the BEO signature, please continue to the next tutorial titled, “The BEO Settings and Client Signature.”

Let’s review the other available sections for the BEO layout and where these data points will generate from.

Event Details

To pull in details about the event, utilize the sections under the “Choose Event Details” header. Select from the options for “Event Details,” “Event Notes,” “Venue Details” and “Venue Contact Info.” These details are stored within the event edit screen.

For example, if I select venue details and venue contact info, the information entered in the venue fields of the event info tab will be carried over into the BEO.

The event notes section will pull in notes that you have entered in the internal “event details” staff only field of the event and be displayed at the bottom of the BEO.

Pull the event timeline into the BEO by selecting the event timeline section. When selected, the timeline within the event portal will be brought into the BEO.

Client Details

To pull in details about the client, utilize the sections under the “Choose Client Details” header. Select from the options for “Client Contact Info” and “Client Details.” This information is stored with the client’s profile and will be brought into the BEO when selected.

Packages & Add-Ons

Let’s talk about how the packages and add-ons can be displayed on the BEO. In the example I am showing you today, you will see the boxes on the BEO containing information about the Menu, Beverage, Audio Visual and Setup.

To categorize your invoice line items into these boxes on the BEO layout, information needs to be gathered for these items within the package and add-ons.

From the template’s menu, select either the packages or add-ons to jump to the primary list of your package and add-on offerings.

Every package and add-on can be categorized by setting their BEO Category. The BEO Category will determine where the item will be displayed in your BEO. You have the option to categorize the package or add-on under a Menu Item, Beverage, or Audio Visual (A/V) section. For example, I would set a champagne toast add-on in the beverage BEO category. The category you select here will identify the box on the BEO that this item is displayed within.

After your packages and add-ons have their BEO category identified, to display the categories on your BEO, you will need to check the boxes for Menu Items, Beverage Items, Audio Visual (A/V) items under the “Choose Invoice Details” header. You don’t need to enable all three categories, select the boxes that are applicable for you and the event you are working with.

There are other elements for your packages and add-ons that can be brought into the BEO layout as well. These sections are “Show Item Descriptions,” “Back of House Notes,” “Setup Details.” If you open a package or add-on within the system, you will see these fields on the page. By entering information into these fields on the package or add-on page, these details can be brought into the BEO when those sections are enabled for your BEO layout.

For example, I am showing you a photo booth add-on. I have added a description for the add-on, notes for my team in the back of house notes area and added notes on setup for this item in the setup notes field.

The description and back of house notes appear under the selected category. Setup notes will be pulled out from the packages and add-ons and placed into their own box on the BEO.

You can always choose to edit package and add-on details for a specific proposal or invoice without interfering with what is captured in the original package or add-on via the template’s menu. For example, you might want to adjust what the back of house notes field states for a specific event. To edit the package for this specific event, open the line item from the event’s proposal or invoice, and make any needed changes here. Changes made here via the proposal or invoice will not change the primary settings and text of the original package or add-on in the templates area.

Use the price descriptor field within a package or add-on to describe how this item should be priced on the BEO. In this field, you can identify the pricing by detailing how it should be priced here.

Identify if the price should be per person, per bottle, etc. As you enter text here, you can see a preview of how this will be displayed on the BEO.

For example, I would put “price per person” for the champagne toast add-on service.

To make updates to an existing BEO layout, select the settings gear at the top of the page and select “Update BEO Layout” to add or remove any sections to the layout.

If you notice that any data is incorrect within the actual BEO, use the quick edit buttons for each of the items of the BEO to be brought to the area where the data is stored.

For example, if I noticed that the time of the event is incorrect, I can select the edit pencil here to be brought to the edit event screen. From the edit event screen, I can make my change to the event start and end times to update the data on file and update what is displayed in the BEO.

There is a print option at the top of the page to print the BEO as it is displayed. The print option allows you to download and share the file with others.

We hope that this tutorial has helped you understand how to create BEO layouts for your client’s events. For more information on how to share the BEO with a client and other settings available to the BEO, please refer to the next tutorial titled, “The BEO Settings and Client Signature.”

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