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Payment Reminder Emails

Where to locate all payment reminder emails and how to change their text.

Naomi Sherman avatar
Written by Naomi Sherman
Updated over 10 months ago

Payment reminder notifications can be enabled with each payment request to inform your clients that their next payment is due. Each payment reminder includes the ability to send an associated notification via email or SMS if you have the SMS add-on. Releventful will step in and send additional reminders to your client if they become overdue for a payment request. This article outlines all payment reminder notifications, where to configure them, and how to locate them within your account.

Payment Reminder Notifications within Payment Schedules

Each payment request in your payment schedule can have an associated notification. This notification informs the client of the payment request, amount due, and a direct link they can access to process their payment.

To learn more about creating payment schedules, please refer to the Creating Payment Schedules article for more information.

Within a payment schedule, select each payment request to open the details of the request and configure the notification the client will receive. Set the date you would like the notification to be sent to the client by selecting the "Notification Settings" tab and setting your date with the available trigger rules under the "Scheduled Email" header.

This is the only notification that the client will receive for this payment request. However, there are system generated emails that will be sent if the client passes their payment due date and falls into a status of overdue for the payment request.

For more information about the payment reminder notifications for overdue payments, please refer to the section below.

FAQ: When Does a Lead/Client Start Receiving Payment Reminder Notifications?

Payment reminder emails will not be sent to the lead/client until the invoice has been shared with them. If the invoice has not been shared with the client, the client will not be sent any payment reminders until this action has been taken.

You can share the invoice with your client by opening their invoice and selecting the "Send to Client" button in the upper right-hand corner of the quick-close invoice screen. If the invoice has not been shared with the client, you will see a "Not Submitted" status under the "Submitted to Client" status (as shows in the screenshot below).

ℹ️ Note: If your portal template automations send a proposal to the client based on an action in the workflow, this automation shares the invoice with your client for you and therefore you do not have to select the "Send to Client" button from the quick-close invoice screen.

Overdue Payment Reminders

If a client passes their payment due date, their status for the payment request will change from "Not Paid" to "Overdue." When they are at an overdue status, Releventful sends two system generated reminder emails to the client one day and two days after the due date has passed.

You can locate the overdue payment reminder notifications with the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the client's invoice and open the payment tile from the quick-close invoice screen.

  2. Open the overdue payment from the payment list by clicking on it.

  3. Scroll down the pop-up window to review the payment request details.

  4. You will see the payment due date listed under the "Payment Due Date" field.

  5. Scroll down to the "Schedule Email" section to review the notification(s) associated with this payment request.

The first notification in the list is the original notification that was sent via the payment schedule as mentioned in the section above. This notification is sent at the time you indicated via the notification settings of the payment request.

The following two emails are the system generated emails that follow one day after the due date and two days after the due date if the client has still not paid and remains in an overdue status.

ℹ️ Note: These two overdue payment reminders will only appear if the client has passed their payment due date.

In the example below, the due date for this payment request was March 22. The first notification was sent on the due date, as identified via the payment schedule notification settings. The client did not pay on March 22 and passed their due date. The second and third emails in the screenshot below are the system generated payment reminders for each day following the overdue status.

The system generated reminders will adopt the text you created for the original notification.

Edit the Schedule for Overdue Payment Reminders

You have the option to edit the delivery date and time for the two system generated reminders when a payment is overdue. This modification can only occur before the email has been successfully sent. You cannot manage this schedule system wide, but can manage this invoice by invoice as payments fall into an overdue status.

Open the overdue payment, and scroll down to the scheduled email list. Select the edit pencil to the right of the email that you would like to change the schedule for.

ℹ️ Note: If the edit pencil is greyed out, it is because the email has already been successfully sent to the client.

In the pop-up window, you can adjust the date and time that the reminder will be sent to the client.

Locate Payment Reminder Emails via Schedule Notifications Menu

You can always located scheduled emails within the Scheduled Notifications menu as a central view of all automated emails being sent throughout the system. To locate emails via this method, follow the steps outlined below:

1. Select the "Scheduler" icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Select "Scheduled Notifications" in the list that appears.

3. Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a client by name or email (as shown in the screenshot below).

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