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Open Positions for Employee Scheduling
Naomi Sherman avatar
Written by Naomi Sherman
Updated over 9 months ago

Releventful's scheduling feature allows you to schedule employees to work various shifts at your upcoming events. The new Open Position feature enables you to create and post an open shift and have your team members request to work the shift if they are available. The Open Position feature can automatically schedule employees to work as soon as they request the shift, or you can place a stopgap in this process to review and approve the requests to determine who works the shift.

Create an Open Position

1. To create an open position, locate the event that the open position will be assigned to. You can locate the event by searching for it via the search magnifying glass at the top of the left-hand navigation bar, by finding it on the calendar, or by locating it from the sales pipeline. Edit the event to be brought to the back office management event edit screen.

2. Select the "Scheduling" tab at the top of the event edit page.

3. On the scheduling page, you will have all of the regular scheduling options to assign someone to work the event. To learn more about employee scheduling and scheduling a team member to a shift, please refer to the Schedule Employees for an Event article.

To create an open position, select the "Open Positions" tab.

4. Select the blue "Add Open Position" button towards the middle of the page to create the open position that needs to be filled.

5. Proceed to populate the open position details to create the open shift. See the setting details outlined below for further clarification.

Event Portal Access

If the employee will need to have access to the event portal, toggle this setting on.

Limited Allowed Submissions

Enter the number of employees you need to work for this open position. Submissions from your employees will be accepted up to the submission limit. Once the limit is reached, employees who request to work this position will be notified that the position is closed.

Automatically Approve Requests

Turn this setting on if you would like to automatically schedule employees who request to work this open scheduling request.

Note: If auto-approve work requests is turned off, requests from employees will be queued for your approval. You can review and approve them within the scheduling request.

Confirmation Window

This setting limits when an employee can respond to this request. If configured, all requests will be declined until the confirmation window is open. To set a confirmation window, enter the number of days before the shift start date and time when this position will be opened for submissions.

Shift Description

If you have information that is specific for the employee you’re scheduling, enter that information into the shift description text area.

Shift Location

To tell your employee where they will be working, enter the location into the shift location text area.

Shift Start/End Dates and Start/End Times

The shift dates and times are automatically populated with the event start and end times, you can change them in the scheduling request if needed.

Employee Site Location Setting

If your employee can only clock-in on site, set Employee Must Clock In On Site to Yes.

ℹ️ Note: Releventful's Geofenced clock in feature will only work if you have selected a verified address from Google. See the Selecting & Verifying Your Venue section below for details.

Selecting & Verifying Your Venue

Step 1: Select the Event Info tab in the event edit screen and type or paste in the address of your Venue in the Venue Location field. In this example, we will enter the address into the Event edit screen.

Step 2: Click on the verified Google address to load the location coordinates.

Step 3: Save your edits.

Now you're ready to use the Geofenced clock ins for your staff!

Employee Early Clock-In Setting

If you would like your employee to be able to clock in up to 15 minutes early. Set Employee Can Clock In Early to Yes.

Shift Role

To assign a role to the employee for the shift, select a role under the Shift Role dropdown menu. By selecting a shift role, the employee pay rate will also be populated automatically.

ℹ️ Note: Only employees who have the role will be notified of the open position. If you would like to notify all of your employees about an open position, leave the shift role blank. Learn about managing employee roles

Employee Pay Rate

You can change the pay rate as needed.

ℹ️ Note: if the pay rate was populated from the shift role, any changes you make will only apply to this shift. If you need to change the role payrate for everyone, you can change the employee roles.

Received Submissions

All received submissions from your employees who have requested to work the open position will appear at the bottom of the page in this field.

6. Select "Save" at the bottom of the page to create the open position. Back on the "Scheduling" tab of the event edit screen, you will see your open position listed on the "Open Positions" tab.

Employee Experience Requesting to Work Open Positions

When your employee wants to view a list of all available open positions, they can login to Releventful from the mobile app or web browser and select the "Open Positions" icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

They will need to select a specific month to view with the calendar drop-down option at the top of the page. The month selected will reflect open shifts for just that month.

To view additional details about any open position on the list, they can select the blue "View Position" button.

After reviewing the shift details, they can select the "Submit Request to Work" button at the bottom of the page if they want to request to work this open shift.

They will receive a green confirmation of submission when this process is followed.

Note: If an employee is already scheduled to work another shift that conflicts with this same date and time, their request to work the open position will not be processed.

Accepting Employee Requests to Work Open Positions

If auto-approval is not enabled to automatically schedule employees who request to work, you will need to approve requests as they are received. As requests are received, you will see them within the "Scheduling" tab of the event edit screen under the "Open Positions" menu.

Click on the open position to review the shift and who has requested to work. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the names of the employees who have requested the shift.

Select "Accept Submission" alongside the name(s) of the employees that you would like to approve and officially assign the shift.

When accepted, the status for the request will change to "Confirmed."

Back on the Scheduling tab of the event edit screen, you will now see the approved employee(s) listed under the "Scheduled" tab.

Hide Open Positions

Once you have filled the open position by reviewing the request submissions from your employees and you have accepted the necessary requests to fill the need of the shift, you can choose to remove the open position from the list your employees see.

Open the open position and select the checkmark in the top left-hand corner of the page. When selected, you have the option to hide the position by selecting, "Mark Open Position as Complete":

When "Mark Open Position as Complete" is selected, the checkmark will change to green and the position will be removed from the Open Positions list for employees.

Leave the position as In-Progress to continue to keep the position visible to employees.

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