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Customizing the Invoice Detail Report

Learn how to customize the content included in your detail report that can be shared with the scheduled employees on an event.

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Written by Releventful Support
Updated over a week ago

The Invoice Detail Report is a special version of the invoice that includes event information, packages/add-ons purchased, as well as the inventory allocated for a particular event. It is designed to be downloaded (or printed out) and provided to any employees scheduled for an event. The Detail Report can be viewed and downloaded from the Invoice page of an event, or in an employee scheduling request for an event.

You can customize the report to include or exclude certain information. To customize the detail report:

  1. Go to Settings in the side navigation

  2. Click Invoice Settings

  3. Then click Invoice Detail Report

From here you can choose whether to:

Include Client Info (Email and Phone Number)

By default, the detail report does not include client-specific contact information in case you would prefer your employees not have the client's personal details. Click the checkbox to include this information in the report.

Include Event To-Do Print Out

By default, the detail report does not To-Do information completed by the client (like form Questionnaires, song selection items, etc.). Click the checkbox to include this information in the report.

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